Eric Cantor

Eric Ivan Cantor (born June 6, 1963) is an American lawyer and former politician who represented
Virginia's 7th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2014. A Republican, Cantor served as House Minority Whip from 2009 to 2011, and as House Majority Leader from 2011 to 2014. Prior to serving in the House of Representatives, Cantor represented the 73rd district in the Virginia House of Delegates. His congressional district included most of the northern and western sections of Richmond, along with most of Richmond's western suburbs, and until redistricting in 2013 also portions of the Shenandoah Valley. In June 2014, in his bid for reelection, Cantor lost the Republican primary to economics professor Dave Brat in an upset that greatly surprised political analysts. In response, Cantor announced his early resignation as House Majority Leader. Several weeks later, he announced his resignation from Congress, which took effect on August 18, 2014. Shortly thereafter, Cantor accepted a position as vice chairman of investment bank Moelis & Company. At the time of his resignation, Cantor was the highest-ranking Jewish member of Congress in its history and the only non-Christian Republican in either house.
Virginia's 7th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2014. A Republican, Cantor served as House Minority Whip from 2009 to 2011, and as House Majority Leader from 2011 to 2014. Prior to serving in the House of Representatives, Cantor represented the 73rd district in the Virginia House of Delegates. His congressional district included most of the northern and western sections of Richmond, along with most of Richmond's western suburbs, and until redistricting in 2013 also portions of the Shenandoah Valley. In June 2014, in his bid for reelection, Cantor lost the Republican primary to economics professor Dave Brat in an upset that greatly surprised political analysts. In response, Cantor announced his early resignation as House Majority Leader. Several weeks later, he announced his resignation from Congress, which took effect on August 18, 2014. Shortly thereafter, Cantor accepted a position as vice chairman of investment bank Moelis & Company. At the time of his resignation, Cantor was the highest-ranking Jewish member of Congress in its history and the only non-Christian Republican in either house.
Sept 2, 2014: New Republic: Eric Cantor's New Wall Street Job Isn't Paying Him What He's Really Worth
As Wonkette noted at the time, this was a bit like turning Martin Luther King Jr. Day into “Woolworth’s Lunch Counter Appreciation Day.”
August 1, 2014: Politico: Why Cantor really resigned
In his decision to quit Congress altogether, Eric Cantor gave only one reason: so his successor could get a head start and “have a voice in what will be a very consequential lame-duck session.”
But several GOP lawmakers and aides suggested to POLITICO that there was more to this move. The last thing he wanted, they said, was to endure the humbling shift from 11 years in the leadership to being a back bencher, even if only for four months. And, they said he was already focused on the next chapter of his life in the private sector.
June 16, 2014: Salon: Laura Ingraham and Eric Cantor are fighting over a dumb Taliban joke
The bomb-throwing pundit and the outgoing majority leader offer an example of the GOP's ongoing civil war
June 14, 2014: Amy Ridenours National Blog: Eric Cantor "Became an Ideological Mystery" - And That Was a Problem When It Came to the VRAA
"Cantor became an ideological mystery..." Those five words leapt out at me when I read James Hohmann and Jake Sherman's "Behind Eric Cantor’s campaign meltdown" in Politico.
As Wonkette noted at the time, this was a bit like turning Martin Luther King Jr. Day into “Woolworth’s Lunch Counter Appreciation Day.”
August 1, 2014: Politico: Why Cantor really resigned
In his decision to quit Congress altogether, Eric Cantor gave only one reason: so his successor could get a head start and “have a voice in what will be a very consequential lame-duck session.”
But several GOP lawmakers and aides suggested to POLITICO that there was more to this move. The last thing he wanted, they said, was to endure the humbling shift from 11 years in the leadership to being a back bencher, even if only for four months. And, they said he was already focused on the next chapter of his life in the private sector.
June 16, 2014: Salon: Laura Ingraham and Eric Cantor are fighting over a dumb Taliban joke
The bomb-throwing pundit and the outgoing majority leader offer an example of the GOP's ongoing civil war
June 14, 2014: Amy Ridenours National Blog: Eric Cantor "Became an Ideological Mystery" - And That Was a Problem When It Came to the VRAA
"Cantor became an ideological mystery..." Those five words leapt out at me when I read James Hohmann and Jake Sherman's "Behind Eric Cantor’s campaign meltdown" in Politico.
June 15, 2014: David Carr: New York Times: Eric Cantor’s Defeat Exposed a Beltway Journalism Blind Spot
June 15, 2014: Huffington Post: CNN's Dana Bash On Eric Cantor Interview: 'I Tried To Get Him Off His Talking Points'
CNN's Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash spoke about her interview tactics on Sunday just moments after interviewing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.).
June 13, 2014: Kathleen Parker: Washington Post: Don’t read any tea leaves about Cantor’s loss
June 13, 2014: AzCentral: After defeating Eric Cantor, Dave Brat avoids spotlight
For the three days since Dave Brat took down House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the GOP primary Tuesday, he's been holed up in his suburban home, avoiding the reporters and TV trucks waiting out front. While the world wants to know more about the economics professor turned sudden "tea party" star, Brat's in hiding, apparently unprepared for the tempest he unleashed.
June 13, 2014: Raw Story: Ted Nugent compares Jewish Congressman Eric Cantor to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels
Former rock star and political gadfly Ted Nugent celebrated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s primary loss to Tea Party candidate David Brat, comparing the GOP’s only Jewish congressional member to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
June 12, 2014: Breitbart: Bill O'Reilly: Cantor Didn't Lose Because of Amnesty
Dave Brat's shocking upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Tuesday was widely seen as a referendum against amnesty legislation, but Fox News Host Bill O'Reilly refused to credit Cantor's loss on his support for amnesty, especially for the children of illegal immigrants.
June 11, 2014: Ring of Fire: Rachel Maddow: Cantor’s ‘Milquetoast’ ads were key to weak point of inconsistent campaign
The political world is reeling that House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) was unseated by Tea Party challenger David Brat. Part of the reason that Eric Cantor might have lost to a candidate no one has ever heard of, said Rachel Maddow on Tuesday night, is that his campaign ads were bland and awful, a sharp contrast to the anti-immigrant mailer he sent to Republican households.
June 11, 2014: Potluck: Cantor Out as Majority Leader
A simply stunning outcome last night in Virginia. A house majority leader loses in his party’s primary. Something that has never happened in the history of our country. I personally thought that Cantor didn’t take the race seriously enough but would still win out in the end. I was wrong. He lost by more than ten points.
June 11, 2014: The Jewish week: Did Religion Play Role In Cantor’s Defeat?
Cultural factors seen influencing Tea Party voters in suburbs outside of Richmond.
June 11, 2014: Debbie Schlussel: Eric Cantor Lost bc He Pimped Illegal Alien Amnesty; Message for GOP & Tea Party
June 11, 2014: Youtube: How did Cantor lose the primary? Bob Schieffer weighs in
Chief Washington correspondent and host of Face the Nation; Bob Schieffer talks to the CBS This Morning co-hosts about Eric Cantor's stunning loss in the Virginia GOP primary to Tea Party challenger, Dave Brat, and what it means for the rest of the campaign season.
June 11, 2014: Huffington Post: Laura Ingraham Celebrates Eric Cantor's Defeat, Blames Immigration Reform
Laura Ingraham, the radio host who has been dubbed the "only national conservative figure" to back David Brat, the man who defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on Tuesday night, celebrated what she called Cantor's "extremely significant loss" in a conversation with Fox News colleague Megyn Kelly.
June 11, 2014: Roll Call: Sad, Shocked, Oblivious: The Capitol Reacts to Cantor Defeat
As a top talker on immigration policy, King was in high demand from members of the Fourth Estate looking for insight into House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s stunning defeat in a central Virginia Republican primary. King said he was also having a rough day emotionally.
June 10, 2014: Jia Lynn Yang: Washington Post: Why Cantor’s loss is especially bad news for big business
June 10, 2014: Say It Aint So Already: Eric Cantor Lost Tonight — Republicans Have Created a Monster
Eric Cantor (R), the supposed next Speaker of the House, lost his re-election bid tonight in Virginia to a an even more extremist candidate, Tea Partier, David Brat.
June 10. 2014: The Wire: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Lost His Primary Bid for Re-Election
Tea Party-backed newcomer David Brat is winning with a large margin of victory over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor tonight in the Virginia primaries, with a campaign from the right that focused on the Republican leader's support for comprehensive immigration reform
Apr 16, 2014: Business Insider: Eric Cantor Describes His Extremely Awkward Phone Call With Obama
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor detailed what sounded like a rather tense phone call he had with President Barack Obama about immigration reform Wednesday.
June 15, 2014: Huffington Post: CNN's Dana Bash On Eric Cantor Interview: 'I Tried To Get Him Off His Talking Points'
CNN's Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash spoke about her interview tactics on Sunday just moments after interviewing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.).
June 13, 2014: Kathleen Parker: Washington Post: Don’t read any tea leaves about Cantor’s loss
June 13, 2014: AzCentral: After defeating Eric Cantor, Dave Brat avoids spotlight
For the three days since Dave Brat took down House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the GOP primary Tuesday, he's been holed up in his suburban home, avoiding the reporters and TV trucks waiting out front. While the world wants to know more about the economics professor turned sudden "tea party" star, Brat's in hiding, apparently unprepared for the tempest he unleashed.
June 13, 2014: Raw Story: Ted Nugent compares Jewish Congressman Eric Cantor to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels
Former rock star and political gadfly Ted Nugent celebrated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s primary loss to Tea Party candidate David Brat, comparing the GOP’s only Jewish congressional member to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
June 12, 2014: Breitbart: Bill O'Reilly: Cantor Didn't Lose Because of Amnesty
Dave Brat's shocking upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Tuesday was widely seen as a referendum against amnesty legislation, but Fox News Host Bill O'Reilly refused to credit Cantor's loss on his support for amnesty, especially for the children of illegal immigrants.
June 11, 2014: Ring of Fire: Rachel Maddow: Cantor’s ‘Milquetoast’ ads were key to weak point of inconsistent campaign
The political world is reeling that House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) was unseated by Tea Party challenger David Brat. Part of the reason that Eric Cantor might have lost to a candidate no one has ever heard of, said Rachel Maddow on Tuesday night, is that his campaign ads were bland and awful, a sharp contrast to the anti-immigrant mailer he sent to Republican households.
June 11, 2014: Potluck: Cantor Out as Majority Leader
A simply stunning outcome last night in Virginia. A house majority leader loses in his party’s primary. Something that has never happened in the history of our country. I personally thought that Cantor didn’t take the race seriously enough but would still win out in the end. I was wrong. He lost by more than ten points.
June 11, 2014: The Jewish week: Did Religion Play Role In Cantor’s Defeat?
Cultural factors seen influencing Tea Party voters in suburbs outside of Richmond.
June 11, 2014: Debbie Schlussel: Eric Cantor Lost bc He Pimped Illegal Alien Amnesty; Message for GOP & Tea Party
June 11, 2014: Youtube: How did Cantor lose the primary? Bob Schieffer weighs in
Chief Washington correspondent and host of Face the Nation; Bob Schieffer talks to the CBS This Morning co-hosts about Eric Cantor's stunning loss in the Virginia GOP primary to Tea Party challenger, Dave Brat, and what it means for the rest of the campaign season.
June 11, 2014: Huffington Post: Laura Ingraham Celebrates Eric Cantor's Defeat, Blames Immigration Reform
Laura Ingraham, the radio host who has been dubbed the "only national conservative figure" to back David Brat, the man who defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on Tuesday night, celebrated what she called Cantor's "extremely significant loss" in a conversation with Fox News colleague Megyn Kelly.
June 11, 2014: Roll Call: Sad, Shocked, Oblivious: The Capitol Reacts to Cantor Defeat
As a top talker on immigration policy, King was in high demand from members of the Fourth Estate looking for insight into House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s stunning defeat in a central Virginia Republican primary. King said he was also having a rough day emotionally.
June 10, 2014: Jia Lynn Yang: Washington Post: Why Cantor’s loss is especially bad news for big business
June 10, 2014: Say It Aint So Already: Eric Cantor Lost Tonight — Republicans Have Created a Monster
Eric Cantor (R), the supposed next Speaker of the House, lost his re-election bid tonight in Virginia to a an even more extremist candidate, Tea Partier, David Brat.
June 10. 2014: The Wire: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Lost His Primary Bid for Re-Election
Tea Party-backed newcomer David Brat is winning with a large margin of victory over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor tonight in the Virginia primaries, with a campaign from the right that focused on the Republican leader's support for comprehensive immigration reform
Apr 16, 2014: Business Insider: Eric Cantor Describes His Extremely Awkward Phone Call With Obama
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor detailed what sounded like a rather tense phone call he had with President Barack Obama about immigration reform Wednesday.