Nov 2, 2022: All Texans: Hypocrisy–The Holy Father and the GOP Jesus Memes Call It Out!
What I find particularly funny yet shockingly-true are GOP Jesus memes. Please note that I don’t believe that most Republicans are this way, just a sect of die-hard MAGA Republicans.
What I find particularly funny yet shockingly-true are GOP Jesus memes. Please note that I don’t believe that most Republicans are this way, just a sect of die-hard MAGA Republicans.
Republican Jesus"I made a deal with the devil to bring back David Bowie, but he tricked me and sent back Ted Nugent. Yep, Ted's been dead for ten years now. Thats why he's such a great Rightwinger. He glows in the dark at Klan meetings." -Republican Jesus
"My followers dont need advice from Reese Witherspoon or Mark Ruffalo. I have taught them to pull their "facts" right out of their ass. NEVER stand down wind from a Trump Rally. " --Republican Jesus
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Unless they are Democrats or they do not support your favorite candidate then you can ignore this and call them all the names you want and hate them as you desire" --Republican Jesus
"Church tomorrow GOPers!! Ties optional. Shined shoes and white hoods mandatory." - Republican Jesus
"My servant, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is watching for Jewish Space Lasers today. Keep vigilant for the witch hunters are looking for you" - Republican Jesus
"Thou should tithe all your money to Donald Trump to keep the witches from hunting Republicans. Support the Grift for Me!" -Republican Jesus
"Call thyself PROLIFE and Protect the fetus in the womb; but once they are adults thou can incite them to anger; then shoot them. Thy comforter will be a warm "Jesusey Type Feeling" --Republican Jesus
"Thou shalt have no other God before me, except Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump or that nutcase Governor in Florida or Ted "Cancun" Cruz." - Republican Jesus
"All Lives Matter unless they are not GOP for Jesus Republicans and then thou should go into foreign cities, provoke them to anger, then shoot them" - Republican Jesus
"Go thou into the legislatures and celebrate murder with medals and parties that thou does so deserve. #Rittenhouse " -Republican Jesus
"When thou are entertained by murder. Thy work is done. #Rittenhouse" - Republican Jesus
"Go Thou into another city and incite someone to anger..then shoot them."
---Republican Jesus
---Republican Jesus
"Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Tate Reeves, Tucker Carlson & Rupert Murdoch were given one command : Oversee the deaths of thousands. They have served well. They added a humorous touch when they called themselves pro-life. What kidders. Fun at Klan meetings too" --Republican Jesus
"I'm competing with Satan for the "Father of Lies" title. Neither of us, however, can compete with Tucker Carlson." - Republican Jesus
"The Republican Party needs more people and brave congressmen who will incite people to anger and then shoot them. Our judges will acquit anyone for a few bucks & a patriotic ringtone." --Republican Jesus #Rittenhouse
"I made a deal with the devil to bring back David Bowie, but he tricked me and sent back Ted Nugent. Yep, Ted's been dead for ten years now. Thats why he's such a great Rightwinger. He glows in the dark at Klan meetings." -Republican Jesus
"Church tomorrow GOPers!! Ties optional. Shined shoes and white hoods mandatory." - Republican Jesus
'Ted Cruz, Paul Gosar and Tucker Carlson are my greatest creations!!" - Republican Jesus
"Jim Acosta really irks me with all that common sense and cutting right to the chase with his 'everything has to be about reality' stuff" - Republican Jesus
"Thou should not believe in doctors, like Fauci, or science. Thou should only follow experts like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham." -Republican Jesus
If you learned the alphabet from Big Bird...Repent! Or my servant will hunt him down, make him angry, then shoot him"
"Donald Trump, my servant, hath declared that Kyle Rittenhouse is INNOCENT ...go thou likewise and incite people to anger then shoot them." -Republican Jesus.